A gentle approach to business planning through reflection, journaling and discussion.
Start the new year taking time to get centered and focused with a plan on you and your business. Whether you’ve been in business for years, or are imagining starting your own business, use the exercises this month to serve as your compass. By the end of January you should be able to articulate your goals, and to design the actions that will help you get there. We will share journaling prompts to get the juices flowing. In 30 days you’ll have articulated the ideas that will help you move further towards a full-fledged plan.
This 30-day exercise will begin on Wednesday, January 5th at 4pm with a kick-off Zoom call where you will meet a group of others engaged in the same challenge.
You’ll receive 1-2 prompts per week delivered to your inbox during the month of January. Your responses, in words or visuals, will provide the basic framework for your business plan.
In addition to weekly prompts, you will be able to take advantage of 1:1 office hours with WBC business advisor Ruth Feldman to refine pieces of your business plan.
On January 26th, we’ll meet up to share ideas, challenges, and inspirations – and congratulate ourselves for taking the important first step in business planning. We’ll celebrate being 100% closer to clarity and business next steps.
Meet online as a group each week in January on Wednesdays 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th 4:00pm-5:00pm.
Fee: No Cost